Tenacious South Carolina Defense Lawyers Represent Clients Charged with Assault and Battery

Criminal defense attorneys assert your rights against violent crime charges in the Greenville area

If you are charged with assault or battery, you may be facing prison time. You need an attorney who is determined and serious about fighting for you, one with the experience and knowledge to succeed. Richey and Richey, P.A. aggressively defends individuals in the Greenville area and throughout South Carolina facing assault or battery charges. Our attorneys fight for the rights of defendants charged with these and other violent crimes.

Knowledgeable counselors explain assault and battery

Generally, assault is the threat of violence, and battery is any violent or unwanted touching. These charges vary by state, and the names of the two crimes are often used interchangeably. In some states, they are not considered separate offenses. Actions such as hitting, kicking, punching or pushing are considered to be assaults. Many other actions such as grabbing or spitting can also lead to these charges. Our attorneys present a formidable defense to all types of assault and battery charges.

Proven advocates handle a range of assault cases

Assaults occur for a variety of reasons. Many assault or battery charges stem from simple fights. In these cases, our attorneys work to show that you were acting in self-defense and are not a violent criminal. Other assaults are gang-related or occur in conjunction with other crimes such as robbery. Assaults of a sexual nature are treated differently by the law. In all cases, our attorneys decisively defend your freedom.

Skilled defense lawyers work to reduce assault charges

Most states have a variety of assault charges such as aggravated assault or assault in the first degree. Depending on the facts of your case, the state may choose to charge you with a higher-level crime than is necessary. Our attorneys work to get your charges reduced through a variety of pretrial motions. We also fight to get our clients the most lenient sentence possible under the circumstances.

Contact aggressive South Carolina criminal defense attorneys who will fight assault and battery charges

If you are charged with assault or battery, you need a strong defense from an experienced attorney. Call Richey and Richey, P.A. at 864.467.0503 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation at our Greenville office.